My Family

We are, for better or worse, matching Christmas pajama people

Sara Beth

My wife Sara Beth and I have been married for 17 years. We met at Valdosta State University at the Wesley Foundation. Sara Beth is an amazing wife and mother, and she is also great at arts and crafts.


My best friend is Paul and he lives in Atlanta. We’ve been friends since 1996 and he’s my family too. One time he helped to design a theme park ride for penguins.


Sara Beth’s mom lives in Macon, and Sara Beth has two sisters and a brother.


Our oldest daughter is Ruth. Ruth is an upcoming high school Freshman. (Please excuse me while I shed a tear at that fact) She loves reading, writing, and playing D&D and she is the most enthusiastic person I have ever met. She is a friend to everyone.


We have a dog named Dodger who is the absolute greatest. He’s extremely sweet and kinda rowdy. He’s the best boy. It can be confusing having a son named Roger and a dog named Dodger, but it just fits for them.


Our middle daughter is Olivia, and she is an upcoming 7th grader. Olivia loves to cook, garden, and play games. She wants to be a chef when she grows up. She might be the most responsible member of our whole family, aside from Sara Beth. She certainly has me beat.

Steve and Kathy

My mom and dad live in Knoxville, TN. Dad is an engineer and mom is retired. They have a beautiful house on the river and I couldn’t ask for better parents.


Our youngest is Roger. He’s an upcoming 5th grader. Rog is a ball of energy. He loves playing video games and roughhousing. He certainly is great at keeping me on my toes!

Sarah and A.J.

My younger sister Sarah lives in Washington State with her husband AJ. They both work at Washington State University as professors of music. They specialize in low brass.


My Story