My Ministry

I love to preach. I think of it as my primary creative outlet. There’s just something about digging into the Word of God, finding what it’s saying to us, and then finding a creative way to express that truth that just makes me come alive. I enjoy preaching in a series. One of my favorite things to do is to pick a book of the bible and preach through it, taking as long as it takes to complete.

I believe in equipping the laity for ministry. I’m a firm believer that God is at work and speaking to the church as a whole. As such, a vision for the church is something the church crafts together. The Holy Spirit is active and at work in Garden City before I’ll get there, and the Spirit will keep working no matter what. It’s my job to help us as a church listen to what work the Spirit has for us, and to organize us to do that work as effectively as we possibly can.

Richard Foster said in his book The Celebration of Discipline,

All who have walked with God have viewed prayer as the main business of their lives… For those explorers in the frontiers of faith, prayer was no little habit tacked onto the periphery of their lives; it was their lives. It was the most serious work of their most productive years.

I gotta say, my prayer life isn’t as great as I aspire for it to be someday, but I do want to endeavor to pray together for the future of the church and our shared ministry.

I have served in the Coastal district at churches in Glynn and Chatham Counties. I was ordained as an Elder in the South Georgia Conference of the UMC in 2023.


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